Monday, June 11, 2007


Last week's "incompetent" no confidence vote on Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General was just another sign that the Democrats don't have their own house in order. They had 7 Republicans voting with them but they also had some yellow-dog democrat defectors and in the end could only muster a 53-38 vote majority, short of the 60 votes necessary to bring this matter to a final binding vote before the full Senate.

It doesn't help when your side is already missing 3 senators who are away doing some presidential campaigning [Joe Biden, Christopher Dodd, Barak Obama]. This is precisely what is meant about not having your "house in order." It also doesn't help when you have another Democratic senator laid up in intensive care, too weak to cast a vote [Tim Johnson].

Still that would have only resulted in 57 votes on the Democratic side - still 3 short of the necessary 60.

So after all is said and done it's those damn "yellow-dog" [yellow belly] Democrats who joined in with the Republicans to produce enough votes to thwart the efforts by the Democrats to bring this matter to a final full Senate floor vote. Up or down. Gonzales stays --- or Gonzales goes!

The evidence is overwhelming that this cretin is by any measure of decency or civility not fit to serve in this office - either by the letter of the law or its true spirit. If he had any class at all he would have departed long ago. If he was the usual Bush appointee he would have been sacked [but loyalty - like former U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil remarked in his book - "The Price of Loyalty" --- has its privileges].

So here we are with a situation where the chief law enforcement officer of this country was engaged in an outright purge in the U.S. Attorney's Office of highly competent professional civil servants only to be replaced with administration apparatchicks intent on guaranteeing a Republican presidential victory in 2008 by virtue of their respective swing-state jurisdictions. There have been 9 U.S. Attorneys replaced under this Bush toady and evidence suggests that the number originally contemplated for purging was as high as 25.

Now to top all of this Gonzales himself is being looked into by an in-house Department of Justice investigatory unit. The latest concern is Gonzales' conversation with the recently departed Monica Goodling [former Justice Department official] wherein he seemed to be "coaching" Ms. Goodling on just how uninvolved he really was as Attorney General in this whole Attorney-Gate scandal.

So many scandals, so little time.

Bring on Impeachment!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Congressional Democrats soiled their own nest last week when they voted by overwhelming margins to approve George Bush's $100 billion Iraq spending bill. Rather than use their majorities in both houses of congress to fashion a bill that would require the president to operate within a time line they just caved in - again - and wrote another blank check to the president to prosecute his insane war with its insane horizon.

Insanity is repeating something - in the same way - over and over again and expecting a different outcome. The Democrats are truly insane. In no way can you use the argument that Nancy Pelosi has no choice because she needs the support of the yellow dog Democrats, many just newly elected in 2006. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House and could have simply prevented this bill from ever being voted on in the first place. And by doing so, would have forced the president to come to Congress and plead for the money - on Congress' terms.

Now, instead, George Bush will simply let the clock run out on this one. By the time September rolls around he'll probably get another "surge" of funding from Congress albeit on slightly harsher terms. But in all reality his refusal to commit to any time line will once again withstand any pressure from Congress to do otherwise.

In short, the Democrats still do not understand who they are dealing with. The man pretending to be president is no better than a careening psychopath hell-bent on dishing out evil on a mass scale to all he encounters. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are simply no match for a man so malevolently incarnate as this "decider-in-chief." Without ever-increasing pressure from their constituents Congress will continue to fight this thing to a draw, and friends, a tie game here will get us nowhere.

Right now, impeachment sounds like the only real viable alternative under these circumstances. God knows, there are numerous grounds to bring such an action. Initiating a war under false pretenses, condoning atrocities in the treatment of prisoners, condoning torture, conducting systematic mass wire tapping of U.S. citizens, deliberately allowing a great City like New Orleans to be completely decimated by a tropical hurricane are just a few of the impeachable offenses that come to mind.

No matter, the waters are rising again and this time the levees at the White House will not be able to hold back the tide that is steadily rising against it. No one person will bring this White House down, rather it will be the utterly relentless and steady stream of events that are going against this Administration. When the levee breaks, all hell will break loose.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Karl Rove will definitely be remembered for being "turd blossom" in the history books. But it won't be the kind of "turd-blossom" he was hoping for. I think he has "soiled himself" pretty well after 7 years in the Bush Administration. He is turd personified.

His latest "droppings" are featured in the U.S. Attorney-Gate scandal. No where is this more clearer than today's testimony [May 23, 2007] by former Justice Department employee, Monica Goodling. Goodling admitted that there was in fact a litmus test for prospective employees being considered by the Justice Department. The finger prints of Karl Rove are all over the place. Don't place the blame on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. He was merely a pawn. The real master-mover here is none other than Karl "The Enforcer" Rove.

To make the point even more obvious Ms. Goodling made an even more startling revelation under questioning by a Democratic Senator. Upon questioning Ms. Goodling admitted that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was in fact aware of ongoing discussions within the Justice Department about firing various U.S. Attorneys. She even went so far as to say that she felt no need to point out to him his statements to the contrary in his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing earlier in February with the rationale that it seemed unnecessary under the circumstances.

However you slice it or dice it, the Puppet Master, Karl Rove, has taken control of the entire Executive Branch of Government through his minions well-placed throughout the Cabinet and subcabinet levels of government. If there is any doubt about these accusations just consider the fact that each and every case where a U.S. Attorney was replaced took place in state that was a major swing-state for the Republicans in the 2008 Presidential Election. This has the mark of Karl Rove through and through - the master political manipulator, using any and all means at his disposal, however foul or injurious.

Perhaps the best way out of this dilemma is to pit Vice President Dick Cheney and Karl Rove in a death struggle against each other. They could easily cancel each other out and save all of the rest of us the bother of actually "finishing" them off ourselves.

Time will tell. But the way the mounting bad news remains unabated for this Administration since the November 2006 elections, the law of inertia may take over. Sooner or later - the machine will just come to a grinding halt - all by itself.

Stay tuned!