Monday, March 17, 2008


The unhappy experience of Bear Stearns proves that it is a lack of confidence, not capital, that ultimately topples even the savviest financial institutions.

“Once you have a run on the bank you are in a death spiral and your assets become worthless,”......



There's been a run on her bank -(bank of candor and candidness) - for some time now and consequently she's been locked into an irreversible death spiral.

Her assets are absolutely worthless at this point.

The sad thing about it is that she won't even admit it to herself. That's some kind of leadership quality, huh?

It's obvious to anyone with even half of a brain.

What's even worse is that Hillary won't be getting any bailouts from the Fed!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Military Hillary & Her Heavy Artillery - [aka Geraldine Ferraro]

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," so says former Democratic vice presidential running mate to Walter Mondale (1984)Geraldine Ferraro.

Irregardless of the context this statement was made in the fact that the issue of race was so directly injected into this campaign by a New York Democratic supporter of Hillary Clinton should convince anyone of the extraordinary lengths that Hillary will go to in order to secure this nomination. And the basis for that assessment? The utter silence from the Clinton camp. This statement has gone unchallenged and only obliquely remarked upon by her campaign and for all practical purposes this constitutes a blanket endorsement of its assertion.

This writer, in a previous post, made note of the untoward comments by Hillary Clinton toward Barack Obama but none were as dastardly as the above-referenced comment by an overzealous, uber Hillary supporter who also just happens to be a member of Hillary's finance committee. Some more reflection on the part of Ms. Ferraro would have been in order but, frankly, it pretty much sums up the whole thrust of Hillary's campaign. All's fair in love and war.

I've come to the conclusion that Hillary is looking at John McCain as a role model and she is fancying herself in a newer, more powerful role - that of a maverick. As a maverick she can shoot from the hip, change course to suit circumstances, backslide on positions, slam your opponent one minute and then turn right around and offer him a vice presidential slot on your ticket.

Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a whirling dervish. She's like a spinning top that is spinning out of control and is meandering in all directions at once. Lust for power will do that to a politician. And make no mistake, lust for power is what Hillary is all about. Any other explanation would only be blatant denial.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, Hillary's at it again today! Now her pet peeve against Barack Obama is essentially that he "misrepresents" her health plan in the political pamphlets being distributed in Ohio on behalf of the Obama campaign. Something to do with "mandates", i.e., that poor people would face mandates to purchase health insurance even if they were not able to afford it.

"Senator Obama knows it is not true that my plan forces people to buy insurance even if they can't afford it," Ms. Clinton said. "It is blatantly false and yet he continues to spend millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods. It is not hopeful. It is destructive, particularly for a Democrat to be discrediting universal health care."

As Obama spokesman Bill Burton responded: "Everything in those mailers is completely accurate, unlike the discredited attacks from Hillary Clinton's negative campaign that have been rejected in South Carolina, Wisconsin, and across America."

I think Hillary is destined to be the 21st Century's version of Scarlett O'Hara of GWTW renown. Her remark from last week's debate in which she summed up the entire Obama campaign with the retort: "Change you can Xerox" - could be a line directly out of the mouth of that bratty southern belle.

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" [I guess that line is already taken? - GWTW] Or how about - "Much Ado About Nothing." [The Bard Himself]

And in last night's debate [February 26, 2008] she actually tried to attribute one of Obama's remarks on Pakistan as calling for a military assault on that country!

Me thinks the desperation runs deep in Camp Clintonia!

The Clinton's have shown they will not shrink from a full frontal assault on a political rival, even if it means denigrating that rival as a candidate. Hillary charges that Obama is pandering to the voters with his message of "hope". On February 24th Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., gave full vent to her urge to mock the Illinois Senator by taking dead aim at Obama's campaign theme of hope and the pivotal role it plays in his quest for the White House.

Not to be outdone, Hubby Bill chimed in this past January in a comment made in New Hampshire while campaigning for Hillary --- "Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen," Clinton had said in accusing Obama of distorting his stance on the war.

Barack Obama in turn has rightfully countered back by pointing out that some of his earlier remarks on the Iraq war were twisted out of context in a speech that Bill Clinton gave the night before the New Hampshire vote. In an excerpt from the January 11, 2008 TPM Blog Site - "Bill Clinton just appeared on Al Sharpton's radio show, and was asked about his statements in New Hampshire that the media was pushing a "fairy tale" about Obama's candidacy. Bill insisted that he did not mean Obama's candidacy itself was the fairy tale."

Clinton said that what he meant by the use of the term "fantasy" was the idea that Obama has always opposed the war. To Obama's credit he has said during the campaign that his hedge on this issue in the 2004 campaign was meant so as not to be detrimental to the Democratic standard bearers at the time, John Kerry and John Edwards. In any event, Obama was one of the first politicians beginning in 2002 to publically state his opposition to the Iraq War. No statement from him on this issue since that time could be construed so as to detract from his initial public opposition to the war.

Additionally, Obama takes Bill Clinton to task for remarks made by the former president which suggest that Obama thought only Republicans had any good ideas.

"Referring to a specific incident in which Clinton remarked on statements Obama made that Ronald Reagan had shifted the way America thought, Obama said, “President Clinton went in front of a large group, said that I had claimed that only Republicans had had any good ideas since 1980. And then he added, ‘I’m not making this up.’ He was making it up and completely mischaracterizing my statement.”

All of this back-and-forth, tit-for-tat obfuscates the real dynamic at work here. Barack Obama is a once-in-a-life-time politician who has come along at precisely the right moment in time in our nation's history to galvanize a thoroughly bedraggled voting public - rendered such as a result of nearly 8 years of despotic rule at the hands of a mad man, George W. "Call Me Crazy" Bush!

Mrs. Clinton is not the agent of change this nation needs now. We need not only a change in policy and course of direction but a change in the tone and tenor of political discourse. And most importantly, a change in the way we enlist allies toward our side to work for that change - allies from the Independent and Republican ranks. We need not just a "fighter" - but also - a "uniter." In short, we now have a candidate [Barack Obama] who is both a fighter for change as well as a uniter who can bring people outside of the Democratic Party on board to effect that change.