Saturday, November 3, 2007


Friday's announcement that Democratic Senators Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer will support the nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey for Attorney General is a shocker to be sure, but certainly not totally unexpected. Feinstein is a repugnant in sheep's clothing and Schumer is nothing more than an opportunist and "player".

With these two "turncoat" Dems on board, Michael Mukasey will be the next Attorney General of the United States irrespective of his less-than-spectacular stance on waterboarding as torture. Mukasey should have at least provided an answer akin to that of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's reply to the definition of "pornography". Justice Stewart answered that I don't exactly know how to define it but I know it when I see it. That type of answer should have been forthcoming from Judge Mukasey in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It was not!

The vote by the full Senate is a foregone conclusion. Mukasey will be confirmed as the next Attorney General of the United States. He will no doubt allow for torture of detainees based on his view of the prerogatives of executive power - which in his mind are virtually unlimited.

For Mukasey, there is very little that can be denied a sitting President of the United States when it comes to national security.
How the Democrats can expect to continue on as the loyal opposition is beyond this writer's comprehension. They have virtually cannibalized themselves overnight since last Fall's seemingly promising electoral returns. They are nothing more than enablers of a drunken administration - drunk with power, revenge, lust, greed and world empire mania.

At the very least we should all innudate Feinstein's office with phone calls on Monday before the vote by the full United States Senate. The toll-free Congressional Switchboard telephone number is - (800) 862-5530. Call this number on Monday to reach Diane Feinstein's Washington, D.C. office - or call her San Francisco office at (415) 393-0707.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


There were approximately 25,000 people at City Hall in San Francisco on Saturday for the Anti-War Rally.

Cindy Sheehan spoke briefly at Dolores Park before the assembled crowd after the rally marched from City Hall to the park.

Sheehan will run against "Nanny" Pelosi ["everything's off the table, hell - damn table's broken!"] next year. Pelosi shouldn't be just afraid - but, very, very afraid.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Bush now wants to give blanket immunity to the telecom companies who allowed themselves to be co-opted into an unholy alliance with his administration to spy on average American citizens under the direction of the NSA to help fight terrorism. What a crock! They knew what they were doing and they knew they were under no obligation to wilfully violate the 4th amendment - the right to privacy in one's effects.

What should have tipped off these so-called innocent telecoms was the fact that the Bush Regime was engaged in this sort of activity well before September 11, 2001. In fact, the starting date could be placed in February 2001, just after Inauguration Day for GWB-43rd.

Now Congress is considering granting Mr. Bush just such legislation in his relentless pursuit to continue with such wholesale spying on the American people. Bush needs this insurance policy for the telecom firms to "buy" their continued support for his illegal program of surveillance on average American citizens. Without it, that support would surely evaporate and along with it his chances for prolonging this most despicable of domestic programs.

Why would Congress continue to roll over to this most renegade of U.S. presidents. There are many reasons but suffice it to say that the Democrats in Congress - as a whole - are simply not "there" on the need to clarify their intentions to themselves and to the American people. Democrats have not reached that point where they will dig in and give no more. Republicans are good at that. Democrats are inherently deficient in this capacity. They simply do not have that toughness or resolve.

This resolve is necessary because the Republicans will flail the Democrats for lack of patriotism and treasonous behavior unless they give unstinting and unquestioning fealty to Bush's totalitarian approach to the fight on terrorism. The so-called fight against terrorism should now be seen for what it really is, the frightening prospect of an ever-swifter onslaught on our civil society and the complete "lock down" of all of U.S. society under the heel & boot of the Bush Doctrine of pre-emption - the pre-emption upon the U.S. citizenry.

The FISA emergency legislation approved by Congress on August 4, 2007 is due to expire on February 4, 2008. Unless it is allowed to expire the self-inflicted wounds upon this country by a rogue elite group of NeoCons will be made permanent and the transformation of U.S. society will be complete. It will be a Garrison State based on permanent war and conflict and infused with the doctrine of Fear & Terror as the guiding principles of a military state in perpetual military mode.