Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, it looks like the Dems will have Joe Lieberman to kick around for a little while longer after all. Today's vote by the Democratic senators resulted in allowing Joe Lieberman to maintain his post as chairman of both the Homeland Security Committee and a subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. He did have to give up his position as head of the Environmental and Public Works Committee. Wow, was he really chastised today by his fellow Democratic senators. Not!

Lieberman is a bootlicker. It's not just his Republican stance on the Iraq War and his name calling of Barack Obama and other democrats who dare to call into question the Bush Administration's motives for empire building. Joe actually adores John McCain and while voting for "social issues" more in line with the Democrats he is way beyond independent on all other issues. He is a Republican in Democratic clothing.

The Democrats are like an abused wife who is just an enabler of her drunken, violence-prone husband. Senate Leader Harry Reid is the chief-enabler-in-charge. Someone should inform Mr. Reid that turning the other cheek carries with it a statute of limitations. Lieberman has gone far beyond his allotted limit on voting against the Democratic agenda. The very least Reid could have done is suspend Lieberman's chairmanship positions for a year or two until Joe "got religion".

Sooner or later, Mr. Lieberman will rear his ugly head up once more and stare down the Democratic leadership in the Senate while siding with the Republicans on some major piece of legislation. Is it really worth all of the aggravation to keep Lieberman in the Democratic fold or is it high time to cast him adrift and leave him to his own devices. He's going to continue to carry on as he has anyway, why not just make it official.



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Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm sorry to break the news to you folks but no, Sarah Palin will not be the "Come-Back" kid. She has her core following within the Repugnant Apparatus but that is as far as it will go. Democrat Mark Begich, the popular two-term Mayor of Anchorage, is now leading Republican incumbent U.S. Senator Ted Stevens by over 800 votes in the recount for that office. Tens of thousands of ballots remained to be counted. I'm afraid our gal - Ms. Moose Lips - will have to remain as the governor of that state.

There's always television and radio for this gal. She does have a broadcast journalism degree and for a short time was a local sportscaster in Alaska. Check out the video. You decide - the next Tom Brokaw or Frank Gifford?

She can be the poster-girl for the Republicans and no doubt that will be the way back for the GOP over the next four years. But as far as actually climbing up the political ladder she has severely damaged her standing even within her own state among Republican and Independent voters and this writer does not envision a political comeback for the "Lady of the Northern Lights."

Just this morning at the Republican Governors' Conference in Miami, Florida - Palin was supposed to conduct her 1st live press conference. However, after some further maneuvering by her fellow Republican governors, she ended up appearing with them by her side. Apparently, Sarah is still not ready to "go it alone" in front of real, live press people in a national setting.

She can take her show on the road and tour the country like a traveling band. But as far as entrenching herself in the political process she won't make it past the governor's mansion in Alaska. I hear she makes a mean moose stew - that stinks to high heaven!



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