Thursday, February 5, 2009


I will keep this post brief after my last one ran longer than usual - [BUSH IN THE DOCK - INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL].

Should we stimulate this economy now? Most democrats say a resounding yes. Should we quibble over the details, most democrats again probably look at the broad outlines and say just ram this puppy through.


What should we do if we can't even get 2 or 3 moderate Repugnants to join the 58/59 Dems in the Senate and ram this thing through? A Jihad on the Repugnants? Have a mass food fight? Revoke their Costco privileges?

If Nancy Pelosi is right, without this economic stimulus package we're looking at the prospect of losing 500 million jobs (that's right - in her own words from yesterday). Now folks, that's a lot of jobs. I personally believe the figure is closer to 5 million jobs which is still an enormous figure.

In all honesty, I think it's time for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to go after the Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and just plain duke it out on the Senate floor. Last man standing wins.

I give a slight edge to Reid as I think he is a bit more shifty and dodgy than McConnell although McConnell may have a better backbone and upper bite.

As Judy Collins sang, "....send in the clowns ....."

In closing, there are about 8 Democratic senators who could turn out to be problematic. If anyone is so inclined you might give them a call tomorrow (assuming they don't vote on the economic stimulus package tonight - Thursday, February 5th).

The problem democrats are:

1. Ben Nelson, Nebraska (202) 224-6551

2. Kent Conrad, North Dakota (202) 224-2043

3. Kay Hagan, North Carolina (202) 224-6342

4. Herb Kohl, Wisconsin (202) 224-5653

5. Mary Landrieu, Lousisna (202) 224-5824

6. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas (202) 224-4843

7. Bill Nelson, Florida (202) 224-5274

8. Mark Pryor, Arkansas (202) 224-2353

Of the above names the worst offenders by far are: Mark Pryor/Arkansas and Ben Nelson/Nebraska.

Take your pick/picks.


[Rock-The-Boat & Get Out The Vote]

Friday, January 23, 2009


The embedded video below captures George Bush recounting what he knew and when he knew it regarding the attack on the Twin Trade Towers on September 11, 2001.

Bush states, while appearing in public at a speaking event almost three months after the attack, that he saw an attack on the World Trade Center on television while standing outside of the elementary school he was appearing at. Yes, Virginia there just happened to be a television close at hand at that very moment for our former "Dear Leader" to witness the momentous event in New York City.

The only problem with this scenario is that the official White House version has it that Bush was unaware of any such attacks on the World Trade Towers until he was told of the "2nd" attack while sitting down in one of the school's classrooms. In addition, no one saw the "1st" attack on television on September 11, 2001. The videotape of that "1st" attack was not available for viewing until the next day.

So how in the hell did George Bush know that there was an attack - BEFORE he was even told about ANY such attacks?


We're just starting out on the long road that lies ahead to bring Bush - as happened with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet - to ultimate justice and a date with a tribunal for crimes against humanity.

If we just stick with War Crimes that would be enough to bring George W. Bush to the Bar of International Justice. We're way beyond Impeachment, folks!

Launching an illegal war against Iraq (he did not go back and get the consent of the United Nation's Security Council as required in the October 2002 Authorization for the Use of Force) under false pretenses (the White House lied outright about the certitude of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq) and then wreaking torture and havoc on any and all detainees/enemy combatants (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Black Sites around the globe) and awarding billions of dollars in no-bid contracts to U.S. contractors to squeeze out every single dollar of profit on the backs of U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens alike.

We have only scratched the surface here and perhaps the best place to start would be with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who personally gave the order to authorize torture at Guantanmo Bay, no doubt basing his directive on John Yoo's infamous 2003 memo on torture which legally sanctioned such practice by using twisted or "tortured" logic.

Apparently John Yoo wrote the March 14, 2003 memo wherein he stated that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to al-Qaeda and the Taliban. He went on to say that the 5th and 8th amendments do not apply to alien enemy combatants held abroad. Going still further the memo states that federal criminal statutes covering bodily and physical assaults against detainees do not apply to authorized military interrogations overseas and that statutes that do apply to such conduct impose only a limited obligation on interrogators to not use bodily harm.

I stand corrected, before we deal with Rumsfeld perhaps we should instead haul John Yoo before an International Tribunal. Currently he is a professor at the University of California at Berkeley. Yoo wrote the key torture memo for William Haynes who was himself the Pentagon's general counsel at the time. Haynes, himself, said that there could be no acquittals in the military commission trials. It was Mr. Haynes who in turn brought the memo to Rumsfeld's attention.

To summarize - Bush "misdirected" completely on September 11, 2001. He saw the plane crash into the World Trade Center as it happened. Or, if not, he fully expected such an occurrence to happen and allowed it to happen.

John Yoo paved the way for torture and the degradation of our foreign policy and standing in the world with his infamous torture memo.

William Haynes - as general counsel of the Pentagon and acting directly underneath Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - gave Rumsfeld exactly what he needed, the green light for torture on detainees.

Finally, we return to Rumsfeld himself. He gave the actual order to authorize torture. A case in point involves Mohammed al-Qahtani (Kahtani), the so-called 20th hijacker. According to a sworn statement by Lt. Gen. Randall M. Schmidt, Secretary Rumsfeld was "personally involved" in the interrogation of al-Qahtani (Kahtani) who was forced to endure privations such as 48 days of severe sleep deprivation, 20-hour interrogations, forced nudity, sexual humiliation, threats with military dogs and prolonged stress positions.

Gitanjali S. Gutierrez of the Center for Constitutional Rights, the organization defending al-Kahtani (Qahtani) said in a sworn statement that his client was subject to months of torture authorized directly from Rumsfeld either through verbal or written communication.

Last but not least, we now know that Bush himself recently admitted that he did in fact support torture and gave his full support to its implementation. In a January 11, 2009 interview with Brit Hume of Fox (Faux) News Bush stated that he personally sanctioned the torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and sought authorization for the use of water boarding on Mr. Mohammed.

Mr. Bush you have been misunderestimated for the last time, you will no longer misinform, misdirect or misinterpret. Your water boarding days are over. To quote from Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech - "... we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream."

That would be the ultimate water boarding - true justice meted out to the most heinous president in the history of this republic from an international court of law that would seal his fate in the eyes of history for all eternity.

Mr. Bush, you will ultimately be held accountable. You can run, but you can't hide.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Bush Shoe Game - video powered by Metacafe

Okay, I'll keep this short and sweet, after my previous blog - which covered some 18 points highlighting (or low-lighting) the disastrous 8 years of the Bushed Administration.

As the lead title suggests, George Bush is departing office at historic low levels of popularity (22 percent approval rating - CBS News/New York Times poll). The embedded video pretty much tells the story for future generations as to why this man could be so reviled by his own countrymen!

Enjoy the video - an animated recap of the infamous Baghdad shoe throwing incident while Bush was giving a press conference alongside Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on December 14, 2008.

Sometimes, pictures/animation make the point much more powerfully than any blogger could possibly come up with.

